Hey there! I’m Ilizna

Lawyer by training, manager by experience, and a lifelong learner at heart. I’ve spent years reading, learning, and testing what actually works when it comes to goal setting, productivity, and time management – while juggling career and motherhood.

Now, I simplify it all into clear, actionable strategies, so you don’t have to spend hours figuring it out yourself.

Lawyer Ilizna
Effective Emails – How to Write Emails with Impact
Are you always writing effective emails? Can you truly say you're writing emails with impact? I’ve always believed that clarity and simplicity are key to effective communication - especially when it comes to email. Over the years, as I...
How I Manage My Time – 11 Time Management Tips That Actually Work
Ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel – busy, busy, busy, but not really getting anywhere? Time to hop off that wheel and start managing your time like a pro. But before we dive into the time management tips, let’s get one...
19 Essential Productivity Tools for Busy Moms
You’re juggling deadlines, birthday party planning, meal prep, and maybe even the occasional meltdown - yours or the kids’. To keep all the balls in the air, you need productivity tools that don’t just look good but actually deliver....
6 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Women
Time. The one thing we all want more of but can never seem to hold onto. As a busy career woman, and efficiency enthusiast, I’ve mastered a few time-saving tips outside the office. These tips aren’t groundbreaking, but they work - and...
4 Popular Productivity Hacks: What Works, and What Doesn’t?
Ever feel like your to-do list has a life of its own? Managing it can sometimes feel more exhausting than the tasks themselves. If you’ve been scouring the internet for the perfect productivity hack, I’ve got you covered. I’ve tried some...





Effective Emails – How to Write Emails with Impact

Effective Emails – How to Write Emails with Impact

Are you always writing effective emails? Can you truly say you're writing emails with impact? I’ve always believed that clarity and simplicity are key to effective communication - especially when it comes to email. Over the years, as I moved from being a teacher,...

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The Success Blueprint: How Millionaires Are Made

The Success Blueprint: How Millionaires Are Made

I've read every book I could find on how to be successful, binged countless episodes of How I Built This by Guy Raz, and spent hours watching YouTube videos dissecting the habits of high achievers. After all that research (and some serious soul-searching), certain...

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The 7-Question Quiz to Figure Out Your Goals

The 7-Question Quiz to Figure Out Your Goals

I never really thought I’d be writing about goal setting. But the more I researched and wrote about time management and productivity, I kept coming back to one thing: Without knowing where you want to go, you won’t know what to prioritize. Without purpose and...

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19 Essential Productivity Tools for Busy Moms

19 Essential Productivity Tools for Busy Moms

You’re juggling deadlines, birthday party planning, meal prep, and maybe even the occasional meltdown - yours or the kids’. To keep all the balls in the air, you need productivity tools that don’t just look good but actually deliver. Below is a curated list of the 19...

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6 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Women

6 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Women

Time. The one thing we all want more of but can never seem to hold onto. As a busy career woman, and efficiency enthusiast, I’ve mastered a few time-saving tips outside the office. These tips aren’t groundbreaking, but they work - and that’s what matters. So, let’s...

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Stop Waiting, Just Start

Stop Waiting, Just Start

Is this week shaping up to be a repeat of last week? Same routines, same habits, same results? And yet, are you expecting different outcomes? Let me tell you, that stuck, sinking feeling you’re experiencing is a call to action for change.

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The biggest risk isn’t always the one that seems the most dangerous - it’s the one where you’re not doing anything at all.

“I also feared boredom and mediocrity much more than I feared failure. For me, great is better than terrible, and terrible is better than mediocre, because terrible at least gives life flavor.” – Ray Dalio

Career Tip

If a discussion goes past 4 emails, pick up the phone.

“Everything is figureoutable.” –  Marie Forleo

This is for you.
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